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Mission Statement

ECC-FF is committed to working with the faculty and administration of the college to secure the best working conditions for the bargaining unit. The Union is committed to raising the standards of the teaching profession by securing the conditions essential to the best professional service.


All teaching and non-teaching faculty are eligible for membership in the union. Union dues are 1.0% of a faculty member’s annual contracted salary. Dues may be paid through payroll deduction or by check directly to ECC-FF.


ECC-FF is governed by an executive board consisting of president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and stewards for each division. The executive board meets monthly prior to the membership meeting.

The executive board for 1998-1999 is as follows:

President Ellie Bunting
Vice-President Marty Ambrose
Secretary Lee Foreman
Treasurer Deborah Butler
Stewards Bobbie Buczyna, Ron Smith, Joan Van Glabek, Kevin Lavrak

Bargaining Team

ECC-FF bargains with the administration each year. Every third year the entire contract is up for renewal. Otherwise, salaries are the only item bargained. The present contract expires June 30, 1998. The bargaining team for this year consists of Marty Ambrose, chairperson; Ellie Bunting, Ron Smith, and Bobbie Buczyna. Three collaborative meetings have been held with the administration team since April. The next full bargaining session is scheduled for Monday, August 17 at 10 AM in the Edison Room.

Additional information is planned for the site and will be coming online shortly.  Thank you for your support.

Union Contract


ECC Faculty Federation
21681 Indian Bayou Drive
Ft. Myers Beach FL 33931


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This page last modified by Bob Lade on 6/30/98.