Now Connect Faster!

We have completed our installation and and testing of our new Portmaster 3 which supports K56Flex and dialup ISDN service. I am happy to report higher than expected connect speeds with most users reporting 44-46 Kbps connects!

To use this new service you will need a K56Flex capable modem. Some Modems may require Flash ROM upgrades in order to connect at the higher speeds. Check with the manufacturer of your modem for more information.

The new service is available for $2 per month extra. If you would like to sign up for this service you can use our online form. You will be asked for your username, password, model, and brand of the modem you are using. You will then be given the new phone number to connect.

We will check our log files to see how fast you are connecting. If you succeed in connecting at higher than 33.6 Kbps we will begin billing you the additional $2 per month. You will not be billed the additional $2 unless you succeed in connecting at the higher speeds.

ISDN dialup service is now also available for $38 per month.

For a complete summary of our services, please return to our Home Page.

Page last modified by RWL 11/22/97.