General, Vascular, Oncologic, and Head and Neck Surgery

Office hours and appointments
Our office is open and staffed from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Appointments are scheduled with your physician throughout the week at any one of our two office locations. If for some reason you are unable to meet a previously scheduled appointment, please try to notify us at least 24 hours in advance to reschedule your appointment.

As you may imagine, emergencies often arise during the course of our surgical practice. When this occurs, we are called away from our regular office schedule. This may force us to rearrange our schedules and cause you to either wait or have your appointment rescheduled.

When this happens, our staff will make every effort to reschedule your appointment at the earliest possible time convenient for you. We ask you to be patient with us and remember that if you were in an emergency situation we would be there for you, too.

When making office appointments, please be as specific as possible in describing your condition. Your explanation will help our traned staff to schedule the proper amount of time needed by the physician to thoroughly examine you.

If you have had diagnostic tests performed through our office, you will be notified of the test results as we receive them. If you do not hear from us within 72 hours, please contact our office.

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Prepared by Bob Lade.
Last modification: 11/2/96.