Web Pages
Your company's or organization's Internet Presence takes the form of Web pages. The cost of Web pages includes one large inline graphic, and two small (under 10k) inline graphics per page. e.g. color bars, dots, etc. AND up to two external hyperlinks at no additional charge. (Including your email address on a page, counts as one of the external hyperlinks)
Home Page $75.00 / $100.00 setup
Additional Pages $50.00 / $100.00 setup
Setup includes converting text into HTML format and also includes scanning/converting graphics to GIF or JPEG format. Setup for sound and MPEG movie files includes conversion from audio or video tape to .WAV or MPEG format. Sounds and movies provided in "ready to upload" format will be setup for $20.00.
What is an inline graphic?
An inline graphic is one that is part of the page. In other words, an image that is loaded and displayed, by your browser, right along with the text of the page. The image at the top of this page is an inline graphic.
The green dot at the beginning of this line is a small inline graphic. We define small, as an image that uses under 10K (10 thousand) bytes of storage space on our hard drive. The green dot uses 7,133 bytes.
Each page includes two small inline graphics at no additional charge. Multiple occurances (up to ten) of the same small inline graphic does not count as multiple graphics. e.g. You can pick one dot and one bar to be used up to ten times on each page. See Additional Items for pricing on adding graphics.
A large graphic is an image that uses at least 10K (10 thousand) bytes of storage space on our hard drive. The image at the top of the page uses 15,437 bytes.
Each page includes one large inline graphic at no additional charge. The most common placement of this image is at the top of the page. See Additional Items for pricing on adding graphics.
Graphics don't rollover. Each page is allocated one large and two small inline graphics at no additional charge. If you decide not to use a graphic on one page, it does not entitle you to add an extra graphic on another page.
An External Hyperlink is one that points to a location that you don't own. e.g. If you wanted a link to a company that reviewed your product or service.
Placing an email link at the bottom of each page is a common usage of external hyperlinks.
Small inline graphics (under 10K) $2.00 per graphic $ 5.00 setup
Large inline graphics (10K plus) $1.00 per 10k ($10 Min) $20.00 setup
Linked Graphics $1.00 per 10k ($10 Min) $20.00 setup
Linked sound files (8KHz) $1.00 per 10k ($10 Min) $30.00 setup
Linked MPEG movies $1.00 per 100k ($10 Min) $50.00 setup
Linked FTP files $1.00 per 100k ($10 Min) $20.00 setup
External hyperlinks $10.00 $10.00 setup
Volume Discounts
5 or more Web pages 15%
10 or more Web pages 25%
20 or more Web pages 35%
30 or more Web pages 40%
Roll your own Web Pages/Graphics
If you are willing to submit your ad in HTML "ready to post" form we will cut by 50% the setup cost of your Web pages.
Long term contracts
Customers willing to sign one year or longer contracts will save an additional 15% and also save an additional 50% off setup charges. Setup charges will be billed in advance. Account will be billed quarterly. First quarter due upon conpletion of setup.

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Last Modified by EDK - Monday, May 1, 1995 at 12:49 AM
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