What do Unitarian Universalists Believe? 
We believe in the freedom of religious expression. All individuals
should be encouraged to develop their own personal theology, and to present
openly their religious opinions without fear of censure or reprisal.
We believe in the toleration of religious ideas. All religions,
in every age and culture, possess not only an intrinsic merit, but also
a potential value for those who have learned the art of listening.
We believe in the authority of reason and conscience. The ultimate
arbiter in religion is not a church, or a document, or an official, but
the personal choice and decision of the individual.
We believe in the never-ending search for the Truth. If the mind
and heart are truly free and open, the revelations which appear to the
human spirit are infinitely numerous, eternally fruitful, and wondrously
We believe in the unity of experience. There is no fundamental
conflict between faith and knowledge, religion and the world, the sacred
and the secular, since they all have their source in the same reality.
We believe in the worth and dignity of each human being. All
people on earth have an equal claim to life, liberty and justice - and
no idea, or philosophy is superior to a single human life.
We believe in the ethical application of religion. Good works
are the natural product of a good faith, the evidence of an inner grace
that finds completion in social and community involvement.
We believe in the motive force of love. The governing principle
in human relationships is the principle of love, which always seeks the
welfare of others and never seeks to hurt or destroy.
9. We believe in the necessity of the democratic process. Records
are open to scrutiny, elections are open to members, and ideas are open
to direct criticism - so that people might govern themselves.
10. We believe in the importance of a religious community. The validation
of experience requires the confirmation of peers, who provide a critical
platform along with a network of mutual support.
-- David O. Rankin
Published by the Unitarian Universalist Association