Social Action

Social Action has long been a part of Unitarian Universalism.  Ours is a religion of this world and the Social Action Committee is one of our congregations’ instruments for making the world a better place to live in. The seven principles that Unitarian Universalists agree to affirm and promote are taken quite seriously and members seek to integrate these principles into their daily lives.  We strive to “walk our talk”.

The Social Action Committee works with Religious Education, Denominational Affairs, Adult Education and other committees of the church as well as community organizations and groups such as:  The Peace and Environmental Education Center; Planned Parenthood; The League of Women Voters; The Hemlock Society; Lee County Recycling; Lee County Migrant Workers Association; Quality Life Center, and others.

The Social Action Committee is open to any member or friend of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Myers who wishes to become involved in matters of social, economic and environmental justice.  We work in a variety of ways to:

-         Raise individual, congregational and community awareness of local, regional, national and global issues.

-         Advocate and work in support of specific causes and actions furthering social and economic justice.

-         Provide opportunities for individual and congregation-wide involvement in matters of concern.

You do not need to be a member of the congregation to attend our meetings, which we try to have monthly  (exact date and time is announced in the weekly bulletin and church newsletter).  If you would like to get on the church mailing list just call Millisa in the church office, 561-2700 or Phyllis Brewer, Chair of Social Action Committee at 489-0889


RECENT ACTIVITIES:  The following is a summary of social action activities from Spring 2002 through Spring of 2003: 

  In the Spring of 2002 we sponsored a community wide informational forum on recycling, and with the approval of the Board of Trustees, we embarked on a church recycling program, which is becoming increasingly successful.

   In October of 2002 we held a luncheon and discussion regarding the US/Iraq situation. 

 In February of 2003 we co-sponsored a lecture by Dr. Helen Caldicott, with the Environmental and Peace Education center.  Her topic was “Solutions For The 21st Century” in which she addressed the proliferation of nuclear weapons and the danger this poses to our survival.  In preparation for her visit our committee hosted several information tables during the church coffee hour following the service.  We organized a reception with a book signing following her lecture, and then hosted a facilitated discussion on the Sunday following her lecture.  These events were a big success and over 350 people attended her lecture. 

 Through the Fall, Winter and Spring our committee organized a continuous collection of clothing and household goods for the Lee County migrant worker families.

 In March 2003 we hosted a free showing of the award winning documentary, “Bowling For Columbine”, which over 100 people attended.

 Several Social Action Committee members have organized a “Seventh Principle Committee”, which has as its goal our congregation becoming a “Green Sanctuary” so that we may fully live our seventh principle. This principle states that we UU’s have “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”. 



       -   On November 2, 2003 our committee will be hosting another luncheon forum.

The topic will be “Universal Health Care”, and the speaker will be Jim Nathan, director of the Lee Memorial Health System.

During the Winter of 2003/04 we will be hosting a forum on the second phase of Campaign Finance Reform  - the Free Air Time Bill, which will be introduced into congress in the 2003-04 session by Senators McCain, Feingold and Durbin. Speakers to be announced.