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1998-02-11 09:03:39


IBM Plans to Be Euro-Compliant in 2001



In a lengthy report on the Euro currency computer programming task, a brief note appears on IBM's plans. IBM is neither Euro-compliant nor 2000-compliant. Its concern over y2k is forcing it to delay Euro-compliance, which indicates how important IBM takes 2000-compliance. It has decided not to meet the 1999 deadline for Euro-compliance, which (the banks believe) will be worth billions of dollars.

Why isn't the company that gave us the modern computer compliant? If it's so easy to repair, why has IBM not succeeded?

The next time someone tells you, "it's been solved," print out this page and hand it to him. He won't believe it, because he does not want to believe it, but at least you can try.

This appeared in INTEGRATION MANAGEMENT (Feb. 2).

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IBM’s consulting group in London has pooled 15 to 20 analysts and program managers to help clients with euro conversion, and they’re supported by consultants from IBM Global Services, according to Nacamuli. Together, they serve 40 to 50 clients, mostly banks and financial institutions and a handful of multinationals. IBM offers EMU impact analysis, consulting on building new business requirements and strategies, as well as stay-in-place scenarios for determining the minimum needed to be able to survive. Once clients decide what they want to do, IBM offers project management, a database of compliance rules, strategic consulting and training programs.

Interestingly, IBM is putting off its own conversion to the euro until 2001, instead it is going to continue working on the Year 2000 problem, sources say.


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