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1998-02-18 12:41:35


Kappelman on Laws Against Damages: Bad Laws



Prof. Leon Kappelman of the University of North Texas warns against a proposed law in California that limits damages in y2k lawsuits. He thinks such legislation will make irresponsible companies even more irresponsible.

This is from COMPUTERWORLD (Feb. 16).

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Recently, a bill was introduced in the California Assembly that would limit lawsuits resulting from "computer date failure" (the year 2000 bug to me and you). Plaintiffs could recover only for bodily injury and costs of correcting the problem itself.

Just what we don't need: legislatively protected irresponsibility.

This is bad law at its worst. Although perhaps well-intentioned, it would only foster more delays, procrastination and, ultimately, injuries and damages. . . .

I hope no lawsuits will be necessary because of the year 2000 problem. But I know that many organizations aren't dealing with it and that noncompliant products are still put on the market. People and institutions should face the consequences of their actions or inactions. . . .

IS doesn't need more excuses for inaction and procrastination. Government can help minimize year 2000-related injuries by pressing for responsible action, not through complicity with the irresponsible.


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