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1998-02-22 01:11:01


Red China Understands Y2K's Threat to the West: A Link to My Web Site



Red China's Year 2000 Web site has a link to mine. Check it out: "The Evidence of Year 2000 Bug's Threat."

The Web site is maintained by the State Science and Technology Commission of the People's Republic of China. We can't get into the main section of the site devoted to y2k -- "Forbidden." It is for internal use only. It would be interesting to know what kind of information is on the full site.

The Commission is careful to put this disclaimer on its home page:

"Information on this web site is provided as informal, general information, and should not be relied on as advice and /or representation. . . . This site may contain references and /or links to other sites, but references or links should not considered as an endorsement of or recommendation of this web site."

It is understandable why they would be interested in my view of y2k. If anything like my y2k scenario takes place, Red China will be the big winner geopolitically. Power will shift in Asia, Southeast Asia, and beyond to Red China, because they are not dependent on computers to the extent that the West is. They have old but reliable technology designs and huge military forces. What keeps Red China at bay is U.S. high tech weaponry. Not for much longer.

You should read Casper Weinberger's book, THE NEXT WAR. Read his scenario (one of five) that has Red China invading Taiwan and North Korea simultaneously invading South Korea. He thinks we could not respond effectively today. Now think of 2000.


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