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1998-03-09 20:36:07


Cong. Horn Hands Out Grades, Mostly Bad



Congressman Stephen Horn has handed out another report card to US government agencies. Those that were almost failing in November are failing today.

This is from Westergaard's site (March 4)

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Horn Issues New Federal Government Report Card: Washington Agencies Average D-, FAA and DOD Receive F's

On March 4, 1998 Congressman Steven Horn (R-Ca) issued his third annual grades for Y2K preparedness among the federal agencies. The analysis was based upon agency data as of February 15, 1998. In all, twenty-four agencies were assessed. . . .

As for the report itself, the Federal Government as a whole received a 'D-'. In total, five agencies received a failing grade of 'F', up from three F's given in the previous report issued last September. Six agencies received D's or D-. The most improved agencies are the Department of Agriculture (D- to B), the Department of Veterans Affairs (C to A), the Department of Commerce and the Office of Personnel Management (D to B). The agencies which regressed most since September include the Department of Labor (C to F), the Department of State (C to F) the Department of Defense (C- to F) the Department of Health and Human Services (B- to D). . . .

Of particular note is Horn's "F" rating for the two most Information Technology dependent government agencies: The Department of Defense and the Department of Transportation. . . .

As for the DOT, its problems are severe. The biggest problem is at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Its computer systems are in complete disarray. In early February, the Department's Year 2000 progress was strongly criticized by the General Accounting Office (GAO). The problem is so great that we think that Fed Ex should be concerned about sustaining its business come the Millennium.


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