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1998-03-11 11:23:01


Public Utility Officials in Wales Seek Contingency Plans



Officials with public utilities in Wales are meeting to discuss contingency plans for the year 2000.

I keep wondering: What is a contingency plan for the failure of all electrical power systems in a nation? Or the world?

It may be something like a contingency plan for nuclear war, except with more areas under attack.

This appeared in COMPUTERWEEKLY NEWS (March 3).

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Infrastructure bodies in Wales are getting together to lay down contingency plans for the millennium date crisis. Representatives of the utilities, police, emergency services, local authorities, and BT will meet next month to discuss the real impact of the millennium bug on the Principality.

"We want to look at what will happen after midnight 31 December 1999, should there be any significant failure of core emergency services," said Stephen Chapman, director of information services for South Glamorgan Training and Enterprise Council, which is organising the conference in Cardiff.


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