Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums - Mirror

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1998-03-20 22:12:12


Call Me Irresponsible!



FORBES does not like to hear about the Year 2000 Problem because y2k suggests bad news for the economy, bad news for society, and bad news for renewal rates. So, anyone who dares to suggest such bad things is deemed irresponsible. On the second page of this article, we read:

"The numbers are frightening. But are they right? Just below the surface of these facts, figures and doomsday headlines, lurks a nest of self-interest, blatant fear-mongering and just plain old irresponsibility."

We don't have to worry. Here's why:

"The smaller the company, the poorer the country, the bigger the problem. Large companies, particularly those in telecommunications and finance, will fix their problems in time. They simply can't afford not to."

I can't afford to die, either. But I will.

The author of this FORBES screed can't afford to look like an uninformed hack in public. But he does.

It's not what we can afford that counts. It's what the techical and social reality is.


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