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1998-04-09 16:52:33


25% of Firms and Governments Have Not Begun Y2K Projects



A Gartner Group survey of 6,000 firms and governments worldwide reveals that 25% of them have not begun a y2k repair project. Half of these say they do not plan to test the repairs.

Organizations complain that their IT departments and software vendors constantly change their estimates of the deadline date for the delivery of revised software.

This is from INFORMATIONWEEK (April 9).

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One-fourth of the 6,000 companies and government agencies surveyed around the world by Gartner Group Inc. have not yet started any year 2000 compliance efforts, according to the latest survey results, released yesterday at the Gartner Group Predicts conference in San Diego. And half of all the survey respondents have no plans to test their year 2000 remediation efforts. . . .

End users at the conference complained that IT vendors are constantly changing their stories about when their products will be compliant. One user said that some vendors had promised compliance by a certain date, but then changed the date by several months, throwing the user's year 2000 project out of whack. Marcoccio notes that nearly 200 year 2000 legal disputes have arisen, and that 93% of those involve users complaining that vendors are not adhering to contracts and are going back on earlier promises to provide free year 2000 fixes. A year ago, Marcoccio adds, only 1% of all vendors charged for year 2000 fixes; today, 29% are


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