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1998-04-17 20:46:43


New York's Y2K Project Accomplishments: List Ends in Aug. '97



New York State gets hit first: April 1, 1999. Fiscal year 2000 arrives. So, how is the state doing? Not too well. It has a y2k Web site. It looks as though nothing is happening. Here are the last three entries.

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Year 2000 Project Manager's Meetings (June 1997): The Task Force held a meeting of all state agencies' Year 2000 Project Managers to disseminate information and coordinate project activities. Presentations were given by the steering committee and each platform work group. A survey solicited agencies' needs and topics for future sessions which include project management, planning, tracking/control mechanisms, compliance standards, vendor compliance, and testing strategies. The survey results are available on our WEB page.

Governor's Moratorium (July 1997): Governor Pataki issued an executive memorandum to commissioners and agency heads announcing Year 2000 as New York State's Number One Technology Priority. It invokes a moratorium on all new technology initiatives which impact an agency's ability to achieve Year 2000 compliance, other that those mandated by statewide directives or required by law, and directs that all purchases by the State of new software, systems, enhancements or equipment be Year 2000 compliant. The moratorium shall remain in effect until such time as an agency can ensure agency wide compliance.

Staffing Options for Year 2000 Projects (August 1997): On August 14, 1997, State Operation’s issued a memorandum outlining options to retain, compensate and recruit staff to support Year 2000 projects. These staffing strategies include overtime compensation, extra service, temporary employment of IRM retirees and telecommuting. Agencies will review staffing options into their project plans and demonstrate the ability to fund the staffing options within existing resources.


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