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1998-04-23 18:43:12


Canadian Agencies Have to Sign Up a Single Y2K Repair Team



Canadian government agencies have yet to hire any y2k repair teams.

This is from the Ottawa Citizen (April 14).

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As the deadline moves ever closer for the federal government to fix its millennium bug problem, not one department has signed up for the services of an elite bug-busting team.

The reticence has surprised experts who have warned of Year 2000 problems if the government doesn't meet the April 1, 1999 deadline to fix "critical" computer systems.

The government still has more than half of its computer systems to fix, and a team of seven major technology companies was assembled a month ago to The "critical" systems range from the Canada Pension Plan to employment insurance, tax collection, policing, border crossing, search and rescue, weather forecasts and paying employees.

Departments operating any of these 42 systems must use the millennium team if they need contractors for help. . . .

The biggest fear, however, is that departments aren't using the service because they still haven't completed their detailed plans on what needs to be done.


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