Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums - Mirror

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1998-04-29 13:29:55


This Web Site Referred to in the NEW YORK TIMES



THE NEW YORK TIMES (April 29), the "newspaper of record" for the U.S., featured an article on the Year 2000 Problem in banking. It specifically mentioned my Web site, and provided a click-through link. Word is slowly getting out.

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To address the problem, companies and governments around the world are trying to convert their systems, but many believe the efforts are too little too late. In addition to running out of time, some estimates indicate the world will also run out of programmers able to fix all the necessary systems, particularly those that use obscure or outdated codes.

One Internet doomsayer, Gary North [click-through link], has compiled reports of predictions of everything from widespread power failures to bank runs that could throw the world into a deep depression.

Last month the General Accounting Office predicted the federal government at its current rate of conversion would be unable to get all of its critical systems converted. And the United States is generally thought to be far ahead of the rest of the world in addressing the problem.


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