Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums - Mirror

Summary and Comments

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1998-05-20 11:48:53


No Testing Agency, No Contingency Plans



This report by the Defense Science Board (Jan. 28, 1998) warns that the U.S. Department of Defense has no agency for enforcing y2k testing standards.

There are no contingency plans for failure.

* * * * * * * *

Independent testing agencies within DoD (e.g., JITC) are alarmed at the lack of requests for Y2K testing assistance by system owners and operators. . . .

DoD has no central certification authority. Although the Y2K management program describes test conditions, there is no assurance that these conditions are being uniformly applied. Those independent agencies within DoD that perform, oversee or assist with Y2K testing are prevented by policy from "certifying" Y2K compliance. Instead the results of their tests are forwarded to the system owner who makes the compliance determination.

*Contingency planning for unanticipated problems is not being uniformly pursued.

No one is taking steps to plan for and implement Emergency Response Teams [ERTs]. Several organizations in DoD have provision of emergency response teams as part of their missions. These organizations have not yet begun to plan for the emergency response requirements presented by Y2K problems.


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