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1998-06-10 08:54:56


U.S. Dept. of Transportation Can't Be Fixed, Says DOT's Y2K Manager



Bonnie Fisher, who is in charge of the Department of Transportation's y2k project, has said that the Department's 7,800+ systems cannot all be made compliant. It's too late.

This is from THE AUSTRALIAN (June 8).

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The manager of the US Department of Transport's Y2K program, Bonnie Fisher, said time had run out for the government to fix its systems.

Her department was facing an impossible task. "Government Y2K issues are not like the private sector because of the size, scope and variety of applications. We have all platforms and a volume of embedded chip technology," she said.

"The languages used to create some applications are no longer supported. And they run on platforms that are no longer supported.

"Right now, the department is dealing with 7850 different systems, and that number is in a constant state of flux.

"The US Government, until recently, was reluctant to fund any Y2K programs. In the case of many agencies Y2K is an unfunded mandate."


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