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1998-06-12 10:00:15


The FAA Can Operate at 38% Capacity: Koskinen



If the Federal Aviation Administration had to operate today on the 38% of the systems it has repaired, the planes would fly. So says y2k czar John Koskinen.

Maybe so. But I don't think there would be many passengers.

If you sense a sense of unreality about the government's response to the Year 2000 Problem, you're with me. The government is where Koskinen says the planes will be on Jan 1, 2000: in the clouds.

This is from INFORMATIONWEEK (June 9).

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The Department of Transportation is also viewed as laggard, with only 38 percent of its 630 core systems brought into compliance so far. Even so, John Koskinen, chairman of the President's council on year 2000 conversions, said at a year 2000 symposium last week that if the DOT's Federal Aviation Administration stopped work on its year 2000 project now, the impact on commercial flights would be about the same as a major storm. In the worst case, Koskinen said, 70 percent of regularly scheduled flights would still be available, the number reduced by the need to space planes further apart for safety reasons.

"The FAA will make it," Koskinen vowed. But overall, he added, "we can't dismiss the gloom-and-doomers."


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