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1997-08-06 08:59:28


Sorry: No Warranty Available, Says the Fed



In its May 1 ("Mayday! Mayday!") bulletin, the Federal Reserve announced that its promised PC software revision for banks will not come with a warranty.

Note, first, that banks are still running old hardware (286's) and old software (DOS 3.3). Second, the Fed does not now have the proposed compliant software. Third, the banks are responsible for implementation. Fourth, the Fed will offer no guarantees.

Other than this -- and the successful repair of all bank mainframe computers, all over the world -- no problem!

As for the hoped-for revision of the Fed's Bulkdata software, it, too, will come with no warranty. This assumes, of course, that it comes at all.


Note: as of September 15, 1997, this link is dead. Interesting. The FED can't seem to keep its Web links alive, but it wants us to believe that it is on top of the y2k problem. My thought: keeping a Web link alive is easier than solving y2.

* * * * * * * * *

Testing Fedline for year 2000 certification will span all business applications and many of the various hardware and software platforms that we support (e.g., 286 and up, and DOS 3.3 and higher). While it will be impossible to test with every make and model of PC used by our customers, we will identify all platforms on which testing has been successful. You also will want to take action to ensure that the equipment you have, or may be planning to purchase, will function correctly in the year 2000.

Although we will rigorously test the Fedline software with date simulation tools, this software is furnished strictly on an "as-is" basis. We do not warrant that our software will meet the needs of a customer's applications or that it will be compatible with customer-owned equipment or that all software defects can be corrected. We will, however, provide reasonable assistance in resolving software problems.


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