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1997-10-08 14:02:23


Latin American Banks (and Everything Else)



Latin America' banks are not y2k compliant. Neither is anything else. This MIAMI HERALD (Oct. 7) story indicates how bad the situation is.

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Jim Cassell, group vice president of executive services for the Gartner Group, described for an audience of about 100 technology executives a presentation he made last Wednesday to the Brazilian national legislature. He warned the lawmakers of the dire consequences of failing to upgrade government computers.

The reaction, he said, was ''shock.''

''They just didn't have any understanding of the consequences,'' he said at Gartner Group's annual information technology symposium, which draws 7,500 computer industry professionals from 44 countries.

Cassell said that roughly 90 percent of Latin computer systems could fail, starting in 1999. Gartner Group, a technology consulting and research firm based in Stamford, Conn., predicts that at least 40 percent of ''mission critical'' computer systems will sustain major operating damage, including total failure to operate.


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