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1997-10-22 11:53:15


The IRS: Another Distress Warning



This FEDERAL COMPUTER WEEK story (Oct. 20) reports on the testimony of Arthur Gross, the Chief Information Officer of the IRS. Gross says that the IRS is not yet through with its inventory. He says that some of the code has been repaired, but the IRS is unlikely to finish on schedule.

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In addition, Gross said that while IRS computer specialists have identified 60 million to 70 million lines of code and the agency is working feverishly to correct its 120 mission-critical systems, he was doubtful that the IRS will find all the lines of date-sensitive code needed to be fixed.

"The entire IRS inventory still has not been fully fleshed out and like many large organizations...we still have not fully captured the scope and breadth of the problems in terms of some applications," he said. "Frankly, I'm skeptical." . . .

Gross noted that the IRS has completed the awareness and assessment stages. In addition, the agency is 52 percent through the renovation step, has completed 22 percent of testing and 4 percent of installing the fixed systems.


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