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1997-10-27 14:42:53


The US Auto Industry's Compliance Questionaire for Suppliers



Here is the document the Big Three automakers are sending out to their suppliers. If these suppliers are not compliant in 2000, the auto industry will be in big trouble.

This list of "must do's" is useful for anyone who sends in a letter asking about any organization's Year 2000-compliance. Here is a good definition of compliance. Send in this letter, and you will probably not get an answer -- not even the standard "we're working on it and will be compliant in December, 1998" form letter.

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To be compliant a system/process must:

Handle date information before, during and after midnight, December 31, 1999, including but not limited to accepting date input; providing date output; and, performing calculations, and comparisons on dates or portions of dates. Date interpretation and manipulation must be correct for all valid date values within the application domain. Function accurately and without interruption before, during and after January 1, 2000, without any change in operations associated with the advent of the new century.

Respond to two-digit year date input in a way that resolves the ambiguity as to the century in a disclosed, defined, and predetermined manner. Interfacing software must make the same century assumptions when processing two-digit years.

Process 2000 as a leap year.

Correctly handle date fields containing non-date information and correctly handle a date held in a non-date field.

Correctly process any date with a year specified as "99" and "00", regardless of other subjective meanings attached to these values.


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