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1997-11-22 07:47:49


New York: 0 of 81 Agencies Have Made an Inventory



New York's State Comptroller H. Carl McCall, a Democrat, has warned the governor and the legislature that the state of New York is way, way behind. He, in turn, has been attacked by Republicans for spending too much money to fix the problem. The $50 million allocated so far, says McCall may be too little by $450 million. Politics is undermining now the repairs.

Meanwhile, the end of the welfare state is approaching, all over the world.

This story appeared in the Albany TIMES UNION (Nov. 20).

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State Comptroller H. Carl McCall says state agencies are moving too slowly in converting their computers to recognize the next millennium. Senate Republicans say McCall is moving too fast. . . .

McCall said the governor and Legislature have dedicated $50 million to fix the problem. However, a leading consultant estimates the cost will be 10 times greater, McCall said. . . .

McCall warned the problem needs to be solved by February 1999, when New York's systems must be loaded for the next fiscal year.

McCall said his office surveyed 81 state agencies and found that none had completed "Year 2000'' compliance studies.


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