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1997-11-24 15:05:53


5 Airlines Claims (Anonymously) 100% Compliance



Five airlines claimed in a survey published by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) that they are 100% Year 2000-compliant. I don't believe the claim. So, I contacted IATA and asked if they could tell me which airlines these are. After all, this is a major claim. It should be something any airline would brag about, if it's a true claim.

Two days later, I received this answer:

I don't know of any airline making such claim. I understand your interest in speaking to "fully compliants" but, unfortunately we can't divulge the names. If I come across an airline who would agree - I shall let you know.

* * * * * * * *

1.3 a) What best represents the status of Year 2000 compliance for hardware and system software in your airline (mark one only):

About 50% compliant 17 (39%)

About 25% compliant 14 (32%)

Not compliant 6 (14%)

Fully Compliant 5 (11%)

Don't know 2 (5%)


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