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1997-12-02 11:26:34


Local Banks Remain Blind, Says Y2K Consultant


I received this message on December 2.

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From: Leo MacDougall (

I did a presentation 2 weeks ago to a group of bankers, mortgage lenders, and real estate people. I spoke for 45 minutes and by the end of it you could hear a pin drop. They had no idea about the total scope of Y2k. They knew that their Head Offices were working on Y2k, but were not aware that their business customers, suppliers, and service providers should also be working on their own projects -- and they are not. A recent survey of 50 manufacturing companies showed that only one was aware of Y2k.

As far as I know, the banks have not informed their business customers about the consequences of not doing anything about the Year 2000 Problem. I offered to put on a one day workshop detailing the steps necessary to undergo a year 2000 project. So far, no interest. I have developed a project guide that will force companies to look at their suppliers, customers, and service providers to determine their Y2k project status. Once the necessary information is collected, they will begin to see for themselves the severity of Y2k.

No one wants to listen. No one wants to believe.

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