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1997-12-27 19:47:40


IRS Is Losing Programmers



The IRS lost 8% to 9% of its programmers in fiscal 1997. This comes at a time when the agency is struggling to fix its systems. It has 88,000 different programs to repair.

Nevertheless, the man in charge of the repair project, Mr. Yost, says there is no doubt that the IRS will be compliant right on time.

Congressman Horn, who gave the IRS a grade of D-, says he has confidence in Mr. Yost's subordinate, Arthur Gross, the Chief Information Officer of the IRS. But Mr. Gross says the system is in disarray. Yost publicly stated a few weeks ago that he disagrees with Gross regarding the extent of this disarray.

So, is Cong. Horn forcasting the survival of the IRS? Yes. On what basis? It's difficult to say.

This story appeared in the WASHINGTON POST (Dec. 24).


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