Harry Chapin
2126 Alicia St,
Ft Myers, FL 33901
Tel:: 941.334.7007
Fax: 941.337 1399

A Participating
United Way Agency
This site was designed by
and is administered by
Pj Kelly
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View the list of
Partner Agencies Lee - Collier - Charlotte - Hendry - Glades
Nearly 160 partner agencies receive
food from the Harry Chapin Food Bank including churches, community centers, food pantries,
and children's shelters. Food Banking is by far the most efficient system to assure a fair
and equitable distribution of food destined for the needy. Any non-profit meeting minimal
requirements is eligible to become a partner agency.
seeking membership must make application and provide current documentation of their
non-profit status. They must also agree not to discriminate about clients served, not to
charge clients for service provided, maintain adequate records, practice safe food
handling and storage procedures, and be monitored by Food Bank staff to assure compliance.
of the lack of food manufacturing companies in Southwest Florida, almost 80 percent of
what the Food Bank distributes must be transported by truck to the Food Bank, adding
significantly to the overall budget.
The agencies
make appointments to shop at the Food Bank using an inventory list to make their
selections from the current stock. Some of the more remote areas in the five-county
service area receive food deliveries several times a month based on their pre-faxed or
phoned requests
At least 60
percent of the clients served by these agencies are single parent families, many of which
are temporarily in need due to unfortunate circumstances and others who are among the
working poor of our community. After paying housing costs and utilities, many famiIies
have barely enough money left over for nutritional needs.
The food bank
system allows agencies to provide their clients with a more balanced diet than if they had
to rely solely on donations. By utilizing the food bank, agencies can save money and
stretch their Iimited budget for other worthwhile endeavors.

Lee County Agencies (back to top)
ACT Shelter
AFCAM St. Peter Claver Chapel
All Soul's Pantry, NFM
American Red Cross of Lee County
Anne's House
Bonita Springs Assistance
Bonnie Coombs Ministry, CC
Boys and Girls Club
Brightest Horizons Mission
Broadway Church of God
Calvary International Ministries
Cape Coral Caring Center
Carl Con Group Home
Catholic Hispanic Services
Central Baptist Church
Child Care of SW Florida
Central Office, Charleston Pk Day
Franklin Pk After School Program,
Michigan After-School Program,
Palmetto Court Child Dev. Center,
Suncoast After-School Program,
Sunshine Before/After School Prog.
Christ Community Church
Church of God/Good Shepard
Church of God (Palm Beach)
Community Cooperative Ministries
Covenant Community Ministries
Cypress Lake Presbyterian Pantry
Ebenezer Baptist Pantry
Faith Fellowship World Outreach
Faith Mariner's Pantry. CC
Family Preservation Project
Florida Baptist Children's Home
Ferrell's Group Home
Fort Myers Rescue Mission Full Gospel Fellowship
Fort Myers Spanish Chruch (SDA)
Friends Meeting of Fort Myers
Gods Pocket Christian Center
Good News Baptist
Gulf Coast Cathedral of Praise
Harvest Time Ministries, Bonita
Healing the Children
Healthy Choice Ministry
Helping Hands of North Fort Myers
Holy Theotokos Monastery
Hope House - IMPACT -
House of Prayer/Apostolic Church
Iglesia Christiana Resplandece
Interfaith Care Givers
Island Coast Aids Network
Juan Diego Center
Knights of Columbus, CC
LARC North Shore, Orangewood, West Park
Lee County Housing
Lehigh Community Services
Matthew 25 Food Pantry
McGregor Baptish Pantry
Nations Association
Nature's Cove Group Home
New Life Pantry, Lehigh
N. Fort Myers Church of God
Northside Comm. Church of Naz.
Oasis Shelter
Our Daily Bread Family Feeding
Our Love Ministries
Our Mother's Home
Palm Beach Church of Nazarene
Peniel SDA Church
Phoenix Foundation
Ruth Cooper Family Life Center
St. James Place
St. Vincent de Paul, EFM
Salvation Army Lodge
Salvation Army Social Services
Senior Friendship Center
Sunrise Community
SWF Marine Institute - Teen Challenge
SWFAS - Vince Smith Center
Teen Challenge
Tender Loving Care Complex
The J Connection
Tice United Methodist Pantry
Tropic Isles Baptist Pantry
Vince Rizzo Ministries
Vineyard Christian Ministries, CC
Vineyard Christian Ministries, FM - Vineyard of the Islands
County Agencies (back to top)
Anointed Word Deliverance Center
Assemble of God
Big Cypress
COFFO - Immokalee
Collier County Education Foundation
Collier County Red Cross
David Lawrence Center
Family Resource Center
Go for the Gold
Guadalupe Center - Immokalee
Guadalupe Social Services, Irnmokalee
Immokalee Neighborhood Svs.
Joe Logsdon Aids Foundation
Learning Connection-Naples
Learning Connection-Immokalee
McCord House, Naples
Naples St. Vincent De Paul
Naples Salvation Army
Naples Vineyard Community Pantry
New Hope Ministries
New Life Philadelphia Alliance Church
Noah's Ark
North American Family Institute
Redland Christian Migrant Assn.
Shelter for Abused Women
St. Matthew's House, Naples
Tabernacle of Bethlehem
United Church of Marco Island
Vineyard Christian Ministries, Naples - Vision Outreach
Charlotte County
Agencies (back to top)
Abundant Life Assembly of God
American Red Cross of Charlotte County
Boys & Girls Club of Charlotte County (7)
CHAPS - Charlote Aids Pantry
Charlotte Community Mental Health
Charlotte Youth Shelter
Cooper Street Recreation Center
Crossroads Wilderness, Punta Gorda
Highway Holiness
Palm Tabernacle
PG Church of the Nazerene
PG St. Vincent De Paul
Praise Tabernacle, Punta Gorda
Salvation Army, Pt. Charlotte
Seven Day Adventist Services
The Bread of Life Mission
Word of Truth-Temple of Jesus Christ
Youth Empire Services
Glades County Agencies
(back to top)
Agape Home
Child Care of SWF - Glades Co.
Child Development Ce
FL. Environmental Inst, Moore Haven
St. Joseph the Worker
Hendry County Agencies
(back to top)
Catholic Charities Diocese Of Venice
Child Care-Children’s Garden
Child Care of SWF
Harlem Academy
Harlem Gardens NNRC
Harvest Care Pantry
LaBelle Church of God
LaBelle Salvation Army
Salvation Army Service Unit
