The Harry Chapin Food Bank is a clearinghouse which
solicits, collects and stores surplus and salvage food and distributes it to nearly 160
non-profit agencies which provide meals or emergency food to needy clients without charge.
The Food Bank serves the people of Collier, Charlotte, Hendry, Glades, and
Lee counties and operates five days a week out of a 30,000 square foot facility centrally
located near downtown Fort Myers. The facilities include a warehouse with seven loading
docks, 34,000 cubic feet of refrigerated storage, five offices, a volunteer training and
board room, and a break area for employees and volunteers.
With a paid
staff of nine full-time and two part-time employees, the Food Bank depends on the
services of 25 to 30 dedicated volunteers who sort, inspect and pack food for
distribution. Many volunteers are also involved in the special events and fund-raising
activities held throughout the year to benefit the Food Bank.

5 Counties Served
160 Agencies Served
1,500,000 Meals A Year
5,000 Volunteer Hours