January 3, 2001
was pretty cloudy and foggy this a.m. but Kilimanjaro did peak out a bit
and the sun is out now. We
left the camp at 8:00 am and are on the way to Nairobi.
We just went through the curio shop and finally got some small
carvings for a more reasonable price.
Rus and I split a group 10-10.
I REALLY dont like shopping anywhere anytime it seems!!
Peter agreed to drive to the border to let them window bargain a
few minutes. Andrew got me a
giraffe and a set of necklaces for school.
Im done! I didnt
open my window! Rus ended up
with a set of necklaces too. He and Andrew were both after them. At the
last minute waiting for the gate to open one of the fellas came running
back. He had started on a
mask at $35 and went to $20. Im
now FLAT BROKE. Well have
to find a place to cash the last travelers checks or we are in trouble!!
Were headed for the hotel and still have a couple hours drive.
Well have time for a shower and packing and then dinner at The
Carnivore, which is a hot nightspot in town, and especially for tourists
Im sure. From dinner
well head directly to the airport for a start on our two long days of
catching myself reminiscing about the trip already.
This trip in the wild started and ended with elephants.
Our first herd was about 70 in Tarangire and then we ended in
Amboseli Park, which is famous for its elephants.
Weve all been together for two weeks but amazingly we didnt
just have a lot of conversation time.
We were always busy watching or in a big group or asleep!!
Weve talked about how tired standing in the car could make us.
I think the wind and dust must have something to do with beating us
up! We think real cars
will give us claustrophobia when we get home!
got to the Norfolk Hotel about 2:30.
We had till 6:00 to get dressed and packed.
It got pretty hectic. It
was storming some and the power went off several times.
It made it hard to dry hair or for email on the run.
It was an hour or an hour and a half before they found my suitcase
in storage. We needed to pull
things out of it to repack. Andrew
got to check in at the hotel where he had stayed previously.
Peter was kind enough to take him there and bring him back. I
needed to get the last of my travelers checks cashed and figure out our
tips for the guides. I almost
thought I wasnt going to get a bath!!
were to leave for dinner at 6:00. The
Carnivore is a hot spot in Nairobi
especially for tourists.
It was a HUGE and interesting place.
The barbeque pit was in the middle of the restaurant.
They served all kinds of meat from zebra to crocodile with the
ordinary in the middle (lamb, beef, pork, chicken, sausage)!!
All of it was cooked on skewers.
The waiters came by and slid off just what you wanted on your
plate. The veggies and salads and sauces were on a lazy susan on the
table. The little flag at the
top of it indicated we continued to want refills until we took it down.
By the time we ate dessert we were stuffed.
We leisurely enjoyed the fun and fellowship of our last meal.
We went straight to the airport from the restaurant. Peter had agreed to take Andrew back to the hotel so he was
able to run to the airport with us. I
sure hated to say goodbye to him.
The flight was to leave at 10:30.
Rusty and Sherry and I were able to make reservations on an earlier
flight out of London so we dont have a 24-hour layover there after all. Thats good news.
Hazels are obviously pros at sleeping on airplanes.
We all seemed to have more trouble with it.
I think we watched two movies and napped a tad on the way to
London. London did feel like
home when we got there. We camped in the same area and ate at Burger King again.
The email center was visited as well!!
The girls were the first to take off and I was snoozing so missed
saying goodbye. The Hazels
left next and then we were the last heading out.
Our plane to Atlanta was huge again.
The trip is long and hard.
I couldnt get a ticket out of Atlanta
for Shreveport so got a motel there.
Rus and Sherry rode in the shuttle with me and stayed to get a
couple hours nap. The shuttle quit at 11:00 so they took off about 10:30 or so
for the airport where they picked up their car.
It would be a 12-hour drive for them.
I slept till about 4 am and then cleaned up to take the first
shuttle to the airport about 6 a.m.
I think Rus and Sherry got home about noon
the same as I.
Jane Wojecki
January 3, 2001
left the lodge at 8:00AM. Did
a little game drive on the way out of the park.
We drove to the border town and did a little more souvenir
shopping. We traveled onto Nairobi.
We stopped and had a picnic on the way.
Arrived in Nairobi at 2:30PM.
Checked into the Norfolk for a day room to repack and take showers
before dinner.
out and left the Norfolk at 6:00PM for dinner at the Carnivore restaurant.
The restaurant was real nice and there were all sorts of meats and
chickens grilling on a large pit as we walked in.
The restaurant was packed. They
just kept coming with meat on spits and you ate as much as you could.
We had zebra and crocodile along with chicken and beef. It was all good. We
left stuffed for the airport. We
got checked in and after a little wait finally left for London.
The Hazels
restaurant |