Saturday, July 10, 1999
- It's been a beautiful day in Anchorage today. We have literally
spent the day on our feet. We have walked back and forth to the
Saturday market area about four times. We started with the IMAX film
ALASKA. After that was when we discovered the market the first
time. It's in the parking lot up the hill from the railroad
station. After the film we returned for lunch on the
We also saw the Imax presentation WHALES. We enjoyed both. They
were in the performing arts center here. We also spent quite a good while
in the museum. We rested on the lawn uphill so we could drain some blood
out of our legs!!

- I love just strolling around looking at all the flower beds and hanging
baskets. They have grown so much since we were first here. It's
just amazing how fast things grow. We're beginning to get a real
feeling for the shortness of the "summer" season.
Everyone seems to be so happy to grow something pretty after a long
winter. We saw a mechanic planting the bed out in front of his machine
shop. A lady was asking him about it. He just goes out between
brake jobs or such and works a tad. We just couldn't quite picture
that happening at home.

- We were discussing today the things that might have caught us off guard or
by surprise here. I guess for me I thought it'd be much colder more
often. I also wasn't expecting sea gulls for some reason. They
are everywhere in this state..... in land or by the coast.... doesn't matter
- there are so many lakes or bodies of water everywhere.
- We will need to start packing up tonight and getting ourselves rested if
we can for the flight.