Sunday, July 11, 1999

Today was our "wind up" day in Anchorage.  We were trying to "rest up" for a marathon night of travel.  It was a little bit cooler and more cloudy today but we sure have lucked up on weather.

We extended our check-out time till noon and let Stacey sleep in.  At that time we put our bags in storage and headed for town.  Stacey has been out of money for at least a week but still had "shopping" she wanted to do. 

We happened to catch "Sunday in the Park" and the National Unit of the Army drill team was performing in the street that was blocked off.  They often are where the President is and man the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  They were impressive with their performance with their rifles and attached sabers!  The Army band played right after that.  That was just "gravy" at the end of our trip. 


We caught the hotel shuttle out to the airport and got checked in. Stacey is wound up pretty tight about getting home.  Rus has volunteered for both flights so far and they are not overbooked.  We are in the Los Angeles airport playing cards and writing here.  Rus and Stacey will leave about 11:00.  It will sure be quiet for me.  My flight doesn't leave until 1:30 a.m.   I'll turn around and have a three hour layover in Dallas as well.  Rus and Stacey will be home long before me.  They are flying directly to Orlando and then taking a puddle jumper home.


I guess one is always glad to be home but I'm not often ready to leave where I am.  I have a long list of places I'd like to see next time!!  This will be a trip we'll enjoy remembering for years to come!