******************************************************************************* MessageType: Information Subject: Organization SubjectOther: Username: Eve Edwards UserEmail: emedwards@wmt.com UserTel: 901-751-4186 home UserFAX: ContactRequested: Date: 4/5/99 Time: 6:30:29 PM Remote Name: Remote User: HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; U) Comments: Hi! My name is Eve Edwards, and I am President of the Memphis Medical House Staff Alliance (residents' alliance). Your web site is great, and I was wondering if you might have some advice/recommendations for how you established your website, and how much time it takes to maintain. My email address is emedwards@wmt.com As a personal aside, my husband is finishing his third year of Orthopaedic residency, and will be applying for a hand/upper extremity fellowship. We are considering Florida as a possible "permanent home" after fellowship. Do you have any thoughts on Florida as a place for a new orthopaedist to begin his practice? Thank you in advance for your feedback and comments. I look forward to hearing from you. ******************************************************************************* MessageType: Suggestion Subject: (Other) SubjectOther: Related Sites Username: David Knox UserEmail: DAVIDKNOX@prodigy.net UserTel: 252-756-3562 UserFAX: ContactRequested: Date: 7/11/99 Time: 5:43:54 PM Remote Name: Remote User: HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95) Comments: Dear Lee County Medical Society Alliance: Medical Spouse at http://www.heartchoice.com/medicalspouse/default.htm is a new online resource for spouses of physicians (an easy way to remember the site is to go to HEARTCHOICE.COM). The website allows medical spouses to connect with each other, share experiences, post messages, read information about medical marriages in the Reading Room, and receive individual E-mail consults on specific issues. PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR MEMBERS TO LOG ON AND TAKE THE NATIONAL MEDICAL SPOUSE SURVEY (it is anonymous). The site is hosted by medical spouse Louise Sammons (President of Mesa County Medical Spouse Alliance in Grand Junction, Colorado) and two sociologists (David Knox, Ph.D. and Caroline Schacht, MA) who have conducted research on medical marriages. All the hosts are marriage and family therapists. Medical Spouse website also features the Medical Spouse Electronic Magazine with a lead article (e.g. "Facts and Myths about Spouses in Marriages that Last"), a self-assessment, quotes, medical marriage research summaries, and a column by Robert Sammons, MD. All new subscribers will be sent the Premiere Issue immediately and bi-monthly e-mailings (six issues per year) will begin January, 2000. Take a peek at the Premiere Issue http://www.heartchoice.com/medicalspouse/ezine_preview.html Please check out the new Medical Spouse website and let us know how we may be helpful to you and your members. If you would like for us to provide a link from our site to yours, please let us know. We also welcome the opportunity to make a presentation at your annual meeting. Our E-mail is medicalspouse@heartchoice.com Sincerely, David Knox, Ph.D. Caroline Schacht, MA Medical Spouse Hosts