A Christmas Pineapple - The Welcome Sign Hoax
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A Christmas Pineapple

Pinapples require a lot of patience. Plant a top, and it just sets there for about a year. it doesn't grow, it doesn't die, it just sets there. Then it starts to grow, and in another year you get your first crop. One pineapple! This plant is about 15 years old, and would be a tree if it didn't grow along the ground. Until you grow your own, you don't know what a pineapple tastes like. The Fort Myers city logo has a pineapple in it. Can you spot the lizard? He's checking my pineapple for bugs.

The Welcome sign hoax

This is the "official" Lehigh Acres welcome sign picture, as seen on the cover of the local phone book
Wanna see how it really looks?
Click on the picture. That's right! They put all the shrubbery and flowers around it for the picture, then took them all away afterwards. Update
They added permanent shrubs, but they're kind of dried up right now.
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