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We Are Still Lifting up Jesus to the Homeless and Helpless

The Ft. Myers Rescue Mission was founded in 1973 in downtown Ft. Myers on Fowler St. in a rented house by Rev. Robert Walker. In 1984 we were incorporated in the state of Fla. as a non-profit corp. and in 1986 the Mission bought one and a half acres of property on Dr. M. L. King Blvd. (another 1 1/2 acres was given by a neighbor). In 1987 the Mission opened it's doors at their new home.
  Since it's founding, the Mission has served hundreds of thousands of meals, and provided shelter for men, women, and children of all ages.
  The central heart-beat of the Mission has remained. To bring a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ to all that will come to Him. Countless lives have been transformed by the power of God, delivering souls from drugs, alcohol, and immoral living, and making them fit citizens of this world and the world to come.
  Each recipient of Mission assistance is expected to actively pursue a productive life, with a desire to escape homeless wandering, and begun a new life as a productive person. All must take responsibility for their actions and follow a course of self improvement. Weekly accountability is maintained for each person.
  Trade school, High School Equivalency, job training, spiritual counseling, and Bible correspondence courses are available to all Mission residents.
  Our program includes a bus ministry that serves a hot meal on the street with a gospel service each evening of the year.
The Rescue Mission is supported only by private donations. It has no mortgages, and receives no government funding.

The Fort Myers Rescue Mission is located at 3985 Dr. M. L. King Jr. Blvd. Fort Myers FL 33916 You may write or call us at : 941-334-7365 The Mission Director is Rev. George Schaefer Mission counselors include Rev. Robert Walker  Rev.  Eunice Gagnon. All are available to meet any need you may have.. Remember Jesus is the answer.. We would count it a privilege to share Him with you. Questions? E-Mail me georgeschaefer@juno.com

Last Update: 03-27-2000
Web Author: George Schaefer

Fort Myers Rescue Mission Inc.