Sanibel Elementary School Expansion Project |
SANIBEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EXPANSION THROUGH 8TH GRADE The following survey is intended to measure the level of community support for the proposed expansion. Please fill out the one page form and return to: Alex Cook 1437 Causey Ct. Sanibel, FL 33957 (941) 395-1883
1. Do you have children between the ages of 0-14 years? yes__ no__ if no,proceed to question 3. Please list childrens' ages and current schools_____________________________.2. Would you be interested in sending your child to an expanded K-8 Sanibel public school? very interested__ interested__ indifferent__ disinterested__ very disinterested__ Why?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Would you support expansion of our award winning Sanibel Elementary School to include education through the eighth grade? strongly support__ support__ indifferent__ opposed__ strongly opposed__ 4. Are you an island business owner or manager? yes__ no__ 5. Would you be willing to volunteer your time to aid in the process of achieving an expanded school curriculum and a broader island educational experience? yes__ no__COMMENTS: Please use separate page if appropriate.______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Name:__________________________ Phone #:________________________