Jim Sprankle, Wildfowl Artist

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Jim Sprankle, former professional baseball player and businessman, began carving 27 years ago and has become one of the best known carvers in the country. He has earned over 22 Best of Show awards in major competitions throughout North America and has taken over 72 First Place awards at the Ward Foundation World Championships.

To better share his talent and knowledge, Jim began teaching waterfowl carving and painting seminars in 1984 at what became known as "Greenwing University" on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. These are week-long classes of intensive instruction of either carving or painting waterfowl.

In the Fall of 1984 Jim began his first in a series of instructional books on carving and painting waterfowl. As an aid to carvers, he has brought out a line of 19 different cast resin study birds and has produced 6 companion videotapes. His search for "the perfect brush" motivated him to go to Germany, and he now offers a most excellent line of sable brushes for every facet of intricate waterfowl painting.

In 1994 Jim and his family moved to Sanibel Island, Florida, and he has taken on the more southern wading birds. He has created two major pieces, of blue herons and scarlet and white ibises, since his move. He now teaches his classes around the lagoon of the beautiful Tarpon Bay at J. N. Ding Darling Sanctuary on Sanibel, and travels to New York, North Dakota, Colorado, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington State as well.

For information on his wood sculptures, his educational products or his teaching seminars, please contact Jim at:

1147 Golden Olive Court,
Sanibel Island, FL 33957-3801.
Telephone: 941-472-8666.
Fax: 941-472-8445.
e-mail sprankle@Cyberstreet.com

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