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Woodhaven Finn MacCool, CGC TDI

Well here I am just turning eight months. Getting big aren't I! The other day Mom took me to get a Therapy Dog International test. I passed and it was fun. I wanted to get up on the bed with the sick lady, but they said I couldn't do that. Ah heck, she'll never know what she missed. I like to snuggle!

After the test they took my mug shot for the test. Mom hates her picture taken, so I laughed when they said she had to get in the picture.  Look at her hanging on to those test papers & her big smile. Guess I did something good!

While we were there, I practiced some obedience, here I am doing a five minute down stay. Good huh... easy to do when it's very hot!

After we got all that boring stuff out of the way, I tried out some new stuff called Agility. Wow was that fun! I'd like to do this all the time, but Mom says she isn't going to let me for a while. She says my Grandma would probably have a heart attack if she knew what I've been doing and she says I have to get older.  Darn, I sure had fun!

First I got to go on the See-Saw, wasn't so sure I liked that the first time, but it got easy after that.  Next came the "Cat Walk".  See that mirror behind me,  I liked looking at my self standing up there! Mom thought it was a good place to practice my stand & give me a hot dog. I liked going across it.


See this is me in the mirror. What a silly place to practice a stand! Hmm, maybe that's why I do a good stand, only an idiot would move!

Geez, my Mom is screwy! Just when I'm having a ball going back & forth over the A-Frame, back & forth, over & over because I really like it..... what does she do, she makes me stop & pose there. I felt like a nut, ready to go & having to just stand there! Ugh!

Then I got to go through the tunnel and that was a blast. I'm better at it than my Mom is at taking pictures, she cut my head off!
Some photographer!

See Ya All next month!

(maybe Mom can learn how to take some good pictures before then)

Gota hurry, just in case you'll want to see what a Florida rainstorm looks like

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