Shopping with Finn

I do a lot of helpful things, but one of my favorite jobs is going shopping with Mom. It's fun helping her shop and sometimes load the cart.

Opps, you caught me looking. Sorry, but that buy is just to good to pass up! Hey Mom this would make a good Christmas present! Hmm... no.. oh well it was a good try!

Back to work

Gotta have treats & let's not forget the canned food

Oh good grief makeup! Women! Okay Mom you got down there, but now how are we going to get you back up. Brace.... yea sure now I have to somehow get in front and brace so you can get up. You're getting brave old girl!

Whew I'm glad we don't have to check out the clothes too! Now that is boring! Can I have my treats... I'll pay for them.

Oh goody, Perkins is a nice place to stop on the way home! Mom's always wondering what I'm thinking when I 'tuck' under the table. There I have to lay watching everyone eat and if something drops I can't even touch it. Sigh! Wonder who they hire to clean the floors, maybe I could get another job. Maybe she'll get a doggie bag... yes yummy!

Home at last. Hey Mom someone wants to talk to you.

Break time! Think I'll dream about that bone!

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