(Seven Months)

I did it, I passed my CGC test! Gee it's nice to have a title after my name. Okay, it's not a big one, but it sure is a good start!

Mom & Dad took me to the beach right after a big storm. It was nice since there weren't many people. The wind was blowing hard as you can see by my squinting eyes and the waves were really neat. I had such a good time running in the waves and chasing my bumper. Hope we can go back often. That's one place I can dig and nobody cares!

I went to my first city block party. They close off the streets and have bands playing so people can dance. Everyone stoped to pet me. Hmmmmm good, lots of nice smelling food too! I saw my first horse, that was a shock. Couldn't figure out if it was a huge dog or what it was. The man with the funny clothes and big gun liked me. Someone took my picture while I was making friends with him and gave it to Mom.

But oh it was so nice to come home, snuggle up with my big brother Finn and take a nap!

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