Jet Sends Smoke Signals, CD WC CGC
Greetings. I'm known as "Smokey" or as
Mom calls me "Sweetie".
I was five years old on May 22, 1999. I can outdo my
brothers at butt-tucking anytime!
My happiest hours are spent running
bumpers, swimming.
In May 1996, 10 days before my second birthday, I passed out.
After 9 ECG's and a 24 hr. Holter test the doctor said I have
Neuro Cardiac Syncopathy. What that really means is that
sometimes my heartrate drops to 32 beats per min. or runs as fast
as 200 beats per min. and then I seizure. You could say I
live on the edge, so I enjoy each day and hope for many
days to come.
I'm the peacemaker in the family.
I'm a ball fanatic and keep my Mom
busy playing 18 innings each night. I love to pop the ball
out of my mouth onto the computer keyboard. It always gets
Mom's attention!
hide my tennis balls so that my brothers won't get them. My
latest trick was putting the ball in the toilet. That didn't work
out well because my human sister flushed it and my ball plugged
up the toilet. You should have seen the look on my Mom's face
when she plunged, plunged, plunged and up popped my ball! They
didn't yell at me, they couldn't stop laughing ! Now I have to
lift the lid!
Don't forget
I like cookies, so if you would like to send some, my favorite
flavor is Milk-Bone. Or better yet, send steak! Put my name on
it, if you don't the other two will get it!
Click here to see me
at my best
Click for Smokey's
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