Dark Wolf

Welcome to the domain of Iahniir Lupos Draculea, known simply as the "Dark Wolf". Within this page lies the link between fantasy and reality, between myth and truth. There is a darkness glimpsed by a few mortals that tread the night in search of the darker side of reality. But beware, for in that shadow you may find the nightmare. You might even meet a vampire... or perhaps you just did...

The darker side of reality...


The Crypt

The Dark Angel

The Black Rose

Other sites of interest...

White Pages

Anne Rice


Vampire/Human Compatibility Test

Vampire Vulnerability Test

Vampiric Humor

This page is dedicated to all those that seek to open their eyes to the darker side of reality, the truth seldom noticed by the conscienseness... and most of all, this page was inspired by my Dark Angel, who taught me 'Of all life's mysteries, the greatest of these is love.' Always and in all ways ... my love for you Jahviir.

If you dare correspond with Iahniir, you may find me here...DarkWolf@cyberstreet.com or _Night_Eyes_@msn.com

Or if you have powwow you may try and reach me at : _Night_Eyes_@msn.com