Southwest Florida
Tips Tricks & FAQS

The Home Page of Guy Douglas Payne>
Information concerning life and leisure time in Fort Myers. Where to live, where to work and how to spend your time. What and where to avoid.
The Goal
Cape Coral Florida
Visit My Group
Florida At Night
This is My Uncle
Yolks? Yuck!
The Mangoe Foray
Police Jumping
Email me
What started out as an idea with emphasis on Southwest Florida and info pertaining to, turned out as a web site full of my personal life and a section devoted to a neighboring city. Well, less than 36 hours after posting this site I have been busy making changes thru your input. A lot of the images have to be resized smaller. All of the photos were taken by myself with a digital camera. If you do not have a digital camera, I suggest buying one.
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