And now, a man whose middle name is 'fun'...David Letterman!
..From the Home Office in Wahoo, Nebraska...
Top Ten Ways the IRS Can Improve it's Image...Repeat from April 1, 1997...
10. Change name from "I.R.S." to "F.U.N."9. Tell dumb guys that "I.R.S." stands for "International House of Pancakes"
8. If your auditor doesn't have minty-fresh breath, you don't pay a dime
7. New ad campaign: 3 lovable frogs that say, "I," "R," "S"
6. In addition to the short form and the long form, introduce an extra-long form called the "Magnum"
5. Two words: deductible fudge
4. Publish pamphlet: "101 ways to cheat on your taxes and not get caught"
3. From now on, if you're short on cash, you can pay in "good vibes"
2. Throw Leona Helmsley in jail again
And the number one way the IRS can improve it's image...
1. Stop hassling folks, dude