Ft. Myers
Fort Myers and Fort Myers Beach offer a variety of activities to tourist of all ages. From sailing aboard a 72' "Boat and Breakfast" pirate ship to veiwing one of Broadways finest plays, the Ft. myers area has what your looking for. Lodging in the Ft. Myers area is also vast. There are plenty of locally owned hotels and motels as well as national hotel chains for your convienence. This site is a nonprofit, non commercial website, any bussiness's mentioned here are NOT sponcers, nor is the mentioning of any bussiness intended to advertise for that bussiness. This sites sole mission is to help potential vacationers from around the world see a few of the many great things the Ft. myers area has to offer.



Email: jimperkins@usa.net

If you have ANY questions about Ft. Myers, Ft. Myers Beach, or South Florida in general, please E-mail me and I will try to answer them.

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