
The end-user is the ultimate destination for your products and services, HOWEVER, the reseller channel is the vehicle that allows you to reach that destination. Even if you know the road you are taking, you still have to get there. That is why the relationship with the reseller channel is such an important one.

Michael Durr & Associates interviews VARs, resellers, and system integrators to learn their areas of interest and concern. We examine how they are growing their businesses and how vendors can create successful realtionships and partnerships with the channel. Using this information, we have developed services that enable the vendor to develop more powerful programs and packages to improve their channel sales.

(Click here for pricing and order information)
MD&A Reseller Channel Service
Michael Durr & Associates offers the insights and tools to develop a reseller channel in one complete package available July 1, 1997 through Michael Durr & Associates and published by Electronic Trend Publications. The package includes:

  • The Worldwide Guide to Computer Sales Channels: A detailed analysis of vendor/reseller channel strategies and channel participants provides insight into the continuously changing computer sales channel. This report incules the Worldwide Directory to Computer Resellers, a directory of over 200 resellers with information on regions served, platforms supported, areas of expertise, address, e-mail address, and phone data.

  • MD&A Technology Report: This report on hot technologies, published three times a year, gauges their potential for success in the channel. It includes analysis of the readiness of the channel for the technology and opportunities the channel anticipates.

  • MD&A International Report: This 20-page report, published six times a year, focuses on a particular country or region and includes detailed information on the opportunities and strategies for building successful channels outside the U.S.

  • Consulting: The MD&A Reseller Channel Service includes 10 hours of channel consulting by Michael Durr & Associates.

Program Analysis and Recommendations

Michael Durr & Associates will review your existing channel program, make recommendations, and provide support services for your channel program.