Web Design

Start your file out with this:<HTML>

(some editors will do this automatically)

Title Your Page:You got to give your page a title...the title is what shows on the title bar,in this pages case it is called Sunshine Web Design...see it.
The tag for this is:

<head><title>title here</title></head>
The Body
The body consists of everything on the page.For example, this is where you change the page color or background info. Backgrounds look good, you can find a number of styles you can link to at
netscape.You may not want to have a background,in this case you would use a different tag.The following are body tags.
<body background="Complete URL">This is what you would type for a background image from netscape.note:you must have the quotation marks around the url.
<body bgcolor=color>
This is what you type if you want to select the color yourself.You can either type the color you want or use the
RGB hex triplet system for a greater diversity of color.
Link Colors
The link colors also belong in the body,there are three types.Link,alink and vlink I suggest you only use link and vlink.
<Link=color> sets the color for links.(vlink=color)

Let's review what you learned so far using this page as a reference...My file looks like this:
<html><body><head><title>Sunshine Web Design</title></head><body bgcolor=white link=blue vlink=purple>
This is what it says:
This a page entitled Sunshine Web Design, the background is white,the links are blue and the visited links are purple

Links are a vital aspect of any page,this is what enables individuals to select items of interest.You may want to link someone to a document ouside your system or may want them to visit another page you have created.
Note:On Geocities the index.html file is the default directory,everything should be placed under it.All other files you create should have a title followed be html.Ex:help.html (all lowercase letters)
The link tags are as follows:
<a href="complete URL..http included">link</a> This tag will link someone to a site on the web.They will click on the word link.
<a href="help.html">help</a> This will link someone to a document you have created named help.html.They will click on the word help.
<a href="mailto:your email address">email me</a> This is the tag you would include so an individual can email you by selecting the link.
<a href="filename"><img src="filename"></a> This would enable you to click on an image to goto the desired link 

Let's review this using an example.
If I typed:
<a href=> netscape.</a>
I would get this:

Now, add some "stuff" to your page!
<font size= color=>text</font>
This is the tag you would use to change the color and size of the text.Sizes range from 1-7.You may also use the font and font color tags independently.
This tag would render your text in italics.
This tag would render your text bold.
This tag renders text in subscript.
This tag would render your text in superscript.
This would render your text big,this works great when using all caps.
This tag centers your text.
This tag will make your text scroll.note:Be careful not to use this to much,it can be rather distracting.
<marquee behavior=alternate>text</marquee>
This tag will make text bounce back and forth.
This tag starts a new line.
This tag makes a space and then starts a new line.
This is the tag to make bullet lists,each
(li) is a line preceded by the bullet.To close,type: (/ul)
This tag adds a horizontal rule.
This tag underlines text.
This tag forces the text NOT to wrap.(Be careful with this tag)

<BLOCKQUOTE> This block element indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation.

This tag is becoming more obsolete but sets the default font width and height for an entire page and should be used as close to the body tag as possible.

Margins. All margin width and height tags of a specific page are included in the body tag of the document.


Internet Explorer left margin tag.


Internet Explorer top margin tag.


Netscape left margin tag.


Netscape top margin tag.

Images and sound.
<img src="name of image">
This tag enables you to add images to your page.
This tag enables you to turn off link borders around the image.
This tag aligns the image left,right or center.You would use it like this:<img src="URL" align=center>
You should use this tag on all images that take time to load, it will place text of what the image contains while it is loading. The user will not have to wait for the image to see what he is clicking on. You would use it in conjunction with the img tag like so.
<img src="yourpic.gif" alt="Click here to goto my links page">

This tag is used in conjuntion with the img tag and specifies vertical space above the image.

This tag is used in conjuntion with the img tag and specifies horizontal space next to the image.

<bgsound src="filename" loop="infinite">
<embed src="filename" autostart="true" hidden="true">

This tag adds music to your page, I suggest adding it to the end of your document,this way the user doesn't have to wait for the music to load.fore viewing your page.

Copyright © 1998, 1999 Sunshine Web Design All rights reserved.

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