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You are here ----->XMichelle's Page

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July 1999-Happy Birthday to me!!

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The doorbell is ringing, the shades are all drawn
the laundry is growing, is it nearly dawn?!
Just one more click, no that won't do,
I'm right in the middle of surfing Yahoo!

Don't worry honey, when I'm done I'll clean
can't stop until all of these sites have been seen.
The cobwebs are growing, the hours fly by,
the dust is too thick, and my child just asks why
he hasn't been fed, there's no food in the house,
simply because I can't part with this mouse!

--- Michelle ---

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I never took the job at Southtrust Bank....did you know banks don't pay much? And I would have had to drive to Fort Myers everyday and then rush back to pick up CJ from school... but I did get a job!   I am now working at AYCMA (CJ's school) wearing several different hats.  I am the accountant, secretary, & office manager.  Not much pay but it helps with CJ's tuition and I really like it there! It gets stressful, I have some responsibility, and I am never able to finish everything....my kinda job! hehe  I have grown really attatched to the owners and consider them friends as well as my employers! Very nice people!

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an information page for those of you who care who I am and don't already know!

 a page dedicated to my friendship with Krischne....including some great frienship quotes.

a few poems I've written mingled with favorite poems and quotes that I've come across in my life

 a scrapbook of picture memories..don't laugh!!

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a page dedicated to the memory of my grandparents

Please be kind!!!

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People are so kind!

Please let me know if you find something that doesn't work...or just say hi!

If the first guestbook is not working. please use this one!

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Go to Tomm's update pageDon't forget to visit C.J.!!!!!


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This page was last updated on Friday, October 15, 1999 smburst.gif (1483 bytes)