r&r.gif (3684 bytes) Rayfield Realities


welcome.gif (15584 bytes)General family info..........

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January 1999

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Well, we have had some visitors......Gramma (Michelle's mom) has been here 3 time since we have moved here, nanna and  pop (Tommy's Parents) have been here once, and Grampa (Mich's dad) will be here the 3rd week of October. We have almost had some unwelcomed visitors.....but Floyd, Harvey, and Irene each decided not to visit at the last minute! (for those of you that don't know.....all three were hurricanes!)

We also made the trip back to Alabama in September. We all made our rounds.....and of course Tommy and I had to go to an Auburn football game! Was there any doubt?!  It was a nice visit! And our lake house looks great!


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Map of pictures


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