District of the Unitarian Universalist Association

[return to index of Board Proceedings]
Summary of Board of Directors Meeting, January 19,2002
Community UU of Daytona Beach graciously hosted the meeting.
We began with Opening Words from Rev. Ken Beldon of River of Grass and a check-in
to update ourselves with each other since we last met.
A limitation regarding the expectations and demands of the
UUA in accordance with the co-employment agreement of the District Executive
was passed for inclusion in the current policies. The District Executive
is the employee of the Florida District and the UUA and is funded by both.
The UUA contributes to the DE's salary, benefits, and to the maintenance
of the offices of the Florida District. Given these facts it was deemed
essential that policy limitations acknowledge the responsibilities of the
District Executive to the UUA as well as to the Florida District.
The possible creation of an Endowment Fund for the Florida
District was entertained and Steve Helle of University UU in Orlando agreed
to head a task force to present a case statement. It is believed that such
a fund would allow programs, speakers, short term loans to congregations
in good standing, scholarships, and/or gifts that will benefit Unitarian
Universalism within the Florida District
A by-law amendment is needed to update and eliminate dual
and conflicting responsibilities in the role of Treasurer and stipulations
set forth in the Executive Limitations under which the District Executive
operates and is held accountable. Aligning expectations as set forth in
the by-laws with actual practice and sound financial management is needed.
A draft of suggested language will be considered at the next board meeting
for presentation to the Annual Assembly.
Congregational and Ends Council activities were reported.
Numerous expansion projects and capital campaigns are underway and continue
to thrive. The Social Justice Ends Council is undertaking the creation of
"white papers" regarding denominational positions and actions
of social justice issues for congregations in our district.
o Chalice Lighter call for Spirit of Life to help defray cost of new pavilion.
o The resignation of the Board's secretary Julie Smith-Dary
o A sabbatical request of the District Executive to occur approximately
six months earlier than would normally be scheduled. This will allow the
District Executive to return and complete the term of employment. A "normally"
scheduled sabbatical would leave the position of District Executive vacant
and the district without services for the length of the sabbatical up to
the point of employment of the next DE.
o Funding a one-time unanticipated deficit through (adequate) reserves on
hand. It was expected that 90% of the Florida District's congregation would
pay their Fair Share to the UUA and that the $4000 reward grant for achieving
this percentage would be available to the District. Congregations able or
choosing to pay their Fair Share totaled only 89.9%. Budget planning for
the coming year will be based on the more conservative participation rate
of 75% (grant of $1000). While it is hoped that we will again reach 90%
participation, it is believed weighing in on the side of conservative budgeting
is best.
Each Director will be contacting congregations to invite them to attend this
year's Annual Assembly featuring the Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker. Dr. Parker,
currently President of Starr King Seminary, has been featured in the two most
recent issues of UU World magazine. The first contains a review of her new
book Proverbs of Ashes and the latter features her comments and thoughts on
the nature of evil.
This year's Annual Assembly will be quite different in format
and in tone. You will want to be present for this meeting of minds and hearts
at the beautiful Canterbury Retreat Center, April 12-13.
Email questions or comments to kconverse@uua.org. I'll be pleased
to respond as best I can.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Convers, President
Board of Directors